Friday, October 10, 2014

Making Friends

Making friends

Imagine the feeling when you are walking down the streets and unexpectedly you ran into your best friend, this would be impossible in Chicago.  Cyprus is a small, tightknit culture where everyone spoke the same language and it was easier to make friendships, whereas in Chicago, I have had to give up that part of my culture because of the different cultures who live in Chicago.   Cyprus is a small island, where strong relationships are growing, and there is true care about others.  Cyprus is an island with a lot of hospitality, and people try to make the visitors feel like they are part of the island.  In the huge city of Chicago those habits have been lost, and it makes me feel like a stranger.  It’s hard to make friends in Chicago and be comfortable with them maybe because I am used to the culture in my own country.  Living in a close knit culture, I never had a problem making new friends, yet moving to Chicago forming friendships has been hard for me.
                When I first arrived in Chicago, I was always open to starting new friendships in Chicago.  However, in Chicago something is holding me back because I feel more shy and uncomfortable.  In Cyprus I grew up in a small community were people cared and knew each other.  Friendships in Cyprus are formed during the years of kindergarten and last until the college years.  When I felt free to talk to other people, especially my age of course, I spoke the same language.  Friendships can be build, with your classmates as you see them every day and they become sort of your family.  Those are the benefits of living in a small community.  In the crowded city of Chicago, where people from all overthe world live and cultures mingle with each other, I feel that a big part of my culture is being lost.  The luxury of speaking fluently has started to fade, as I have to think before I speak.  In Chicago, I feel that I have to think about every little thing that I am going to say, as I don’t know how other people will react or if I will offend them with my cultural jokes.
                Moreover, the language is another obstacle to making friends in Chicago.  There are people from all over the world and there are many different languages, which makes it hard to communicate.  If you speak the same language with someone, it makes it easier to understand each other and bond.  However, being a foreigner from a small island, it is not that easy to find someone who speaks the same language as you.  For example, it’s hard for me to explain simple things to others as I translate the words from Greek to English, and this it makes it hard for others to understand what I am trying to say.  In addition, my English are not that bad, but nevertheless I don’t feel comfortable speaking to others as I think that they might judge me or make fun of me if I say something wrong.
                However, living in the close knit island it’s safer, than living in the dangerous Chicago.  In Cyprus, people are able to spent time with friends, and they can go home as late as they want, as they know that it’s safe to walk alone at night.  Here, in Chicago there are some places that are pretty dangerous, so it’s unsafe to walk alone.  Most parents in Cyprus let their children play in the garden or around the neighborhood, without being anxious that something might happen them.  Also, Cyprus has a low crime rate, compared to those in some neighborhoods in Chicago.  I remember as a kid and a teenager, how I enjoyed my time with my friends staying out late and having fun.  We might be worried, because we couldn’t know others people intentions, but I don’t remember being that worried as I am in Chicago.   There are places in Chicago which are unsafe to walk out at night because it’s dangerous, and personally I am afraid to go out after 7p.m.  Moreover, the fact that I am afraid to go out at night is another reason why it’s difficult for me to be forms because I can’t trust easily.
             The easy going person I used to be in my country has been replaced with an insecure and uneasy person.  I stopped being sociable as I used to be in Cyprus.  I wish that as the time passes by, Iwould stop being afraid and start talking to others.  I hope that I will get more comfortable with my classmates and other people and give myself a chance to learn about other cultures.  I missed going out with friends!  Hopefully on day I will feel like a part of Chicago and try to go with the flow.  With time I will set my confidence back and stop being scared to talk to people with different language backgrounds.  Also, I will try as long as I am in Chicago to do my best to meet people and find out about new lifestyles and cultures than mine.  Hoping that someday I will make friendships and spend time with them.


  1. I like the way you describe the relationship with people in your country, Cyprus. Moreover, I like the fact that people treat visitors as their family. I can imagine how the relationship is great and valuable!

    1. You should visit someday, it's a beautiful island and it's great for Summer Vocations !!

  2. You know what ? I heard that there are 1000 of Korean people in Chicago, but i only meet six Korean people (mom, sister, two of classmates who are attend with us in art class and my boss) Actually seven. I forgot to count Sunjoo

    1. Same here! I have heard that are more Greeks my age but I haven't seen anyone !!!

  3. I don't have friends from Cyprus. Could you tell me what action or conversation will make the people in your country feel uncomfortable?

    1. Well, I think Cypriots are chatty people, but something the might don't like is to speak bad at them or to have bad attitude. I think once question that may offence them is to speak bad again about their family or asking many personal questions. However, Cypriots are polite and open to help everyone. We are famous for our hospitality and great food! So, if you find yourself visiting they will offer food and even if they don't try some on your own! It's great and tasteful!

  4. I really agreed with your point and liked your essay so much. Friendships help us wipe the tears.

  5. Hi Kristia, I agree with you that here in Chicago is a little hard to make friends as a "outsider " since most of the people are from the mid western area. After I read your story, I understand that why you are going back to Cyprus for couple months next summer.( haha. I was thinking couple months is too long. ) Hope to see you there, and you are going to show me around. Don't worry, you already made a friend whose name is Suki.

  6. Kristia, I have the same expenrience of ur first paragraph, my English is not too bad, I also have different laungage of them, when I speak the wrong words or I speak that words still make them confused, I also think they would judge me,
